Assigning Questions from an Assignment ID

We have received several inquiries on how to assign our recent Holiday Questions in your classroom, which are available using an assignment ID. The instructions below can be applied to any questions you wish to use that are associated with an assignment ID.

The simplest way to assign the holiday questions is to schedule assignment 2171688 to your class.
  1. Click Search in the toolbar.
  2. Type 2171688 in the search box, select Assignment, and click Go.
  3. The assignment opens in the Assignment Editor.
  4. From the Assignment Editor, you can either schedule the assignment to your class or (if you want to make changes) duplicate the assignment, change your duplicated assignment, and schedule that to your class.
Additionally,  if you wish to add only 1 or 2 of these questions to a previously existing assignment simply open up that assignment and add the appropriate question ID in the question browser.  The question IDs can be found next to each question from Assignment 2171688 or appear as follows:
HolidayCard1 Math.001.
HolidayCard1 Chemistry.001.
HolidayCard1 Physics.001.
Don’t forget to save your assignment after adding the new questions!